
来源:鲍勃BOB体育作者:鲍勃BOB体育 日期:2022/09/10 08:41 浏览:






Network Security LAB基于多年信息安全技术研究与评估经验,解读电力行业信息安全等级保护的政策标准。














第 1 章一般原则

第一条 为加强对电力行业网络与信息安全的监督管理,规范电力行业网络与信息安全,根据《人民政府条例》,制定本办法。 《中华民国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》及国家有关规定。

第二条 电力行业网络与信息安全工作的目标是建立健全网络与信息安全保障体系和工作责任制,提高网络与信息安全防护能力,确保网络与信息安全,促进信息化工作健康发展。























第十一条 电力企业应当按照国家有关规定对电力监控系统进行安全防护评估和信息安全等级评估,不符合要求的,应当及时整改。


第十三条 电力企业应当按照网络和信息安全通报制度的规定,建立健全自身的信息通报机制,开展信息安全通报预警工作,并将有关情况向有关部门报告。国家能源局或其派出机构及时处理。


第十五条 信息安全事件发生后,电力企业应当及时采取有效措施,减轻危害程度,防止事态扩大,尽可能保护现场,做好根据需要报告信息。














第二十二条本办法自发布之日起施行,有效期五年。 2007年12月4日,原国家电力监管委员会发布的《电力行业网络和信息安全监督管理暂行规定》(电监信息[2007]50号)同时废止。




第 1 章一般原则


第二条 国家能源局按照国家信息安全等级保护管理规定和技术标准要求,对电力行业信息系统运营者和用户的信息安全等级保护工作进行监督检查和指导。电力行业信息安全分级保护管理规范和技术标准,组织电力企业对信息系统实施分级安全保护,对分级保护工作的实施进行监督管理。





第四条 电力行业信息安全等级保护坚持自我平衡、自我保护的原则。电力信息系统的安全防护等级应当根据信息系统在国家安全、经济建设和社会生活中的重要程度,以及公民、法人和其他组织对国家安全、社会秩序的合法权益、信息系统被破坏后的公共利益和公民、法人和其他组织。确定危害程度和其他因素。












解读:第三章阐述了电力行业分级保护的实施过程。电力信息系统运行人员和用户应按照《实施导则》(GB/T 25058-2010))进行维护工作。具体包括分级、备案、安全建设/整改、分级评价和监督检查。 .






第七条电力信息系统运营者和用户应当按照《信息系统安全分级保护实施指南》(GB/T 25058-2010))执行分级保护工作。电力信息系统运营者和用户应当按照本办法、《信息系统安全等级保护分级导则》(GB/T 22240-2008)和《电力行业信息系统安全等级分级指南》。

第八条 中央企业所属电力集团公司应当汇总本单位运营使用的信息系统分级结果,报国家能源局电力安全监管司备案。各地区(省)电力企业应当汇总本单位运营使用的信息系统分级结果,报国家能源局派出机构备案。


第十条 电力信息系统建设过程中,运营单位和用户单位应当遵循《计算机信息系统安全防护等级划分导则》(GB17859-1999),《电力信息系统基本安全等级保护》信息安全技术信息系统要求》(GB/T22239-2008)、《电力行业信息系统安全等级保护基本要求》等标准或规范,参考《信息系统等级保护安全设计要求》 》(GB/T25070-2010)、《信息安全技术信息系统通用安全技术要求》(GB/T20271-2006)、《信息安全技术网络基本安全技术要求》(GB/ T20270-2006),《信息安全技术》安全技术操作系统安全技术要求》(GB/T20272-2006)电力行业安全标准电力行业安全标准,信息安全技术数据库管理系统S安全技术要求”(GB/T20273-2006),信息安全技术服务器安全技术要求”(GB/T 21028-2007),“信息安全技术终端计算机系统安全等级技术要求” (GA/T671-2006)等技术标准同时构建满足该级别要求的信息安全设施。

第十一条 电力信息系统运行和使用单位参照《信息安全技术信息系统安全管理要求》(GB/T20269-2006)、《电力信息安全工程管理要求》 《信息安全技术信息系统》(GB/T20269-2006)、GB/T20282-2006)、《信息安全技术信息系统安全等级保护基本要求》(GB/T22239-200< @8),《电力行业信息系统安全等级保护基本要求》等标准或规范要求,制定并实施符合本系统安全保护等级要求的安全管理体系。

第12条完成电力信息系统完成后,操作或用户部门或其主管部门应选择符合这些措施规定条件的评估机构,并应按照“ 《信息安全技术信息系统安全等级保护评价流程》(GB/T 28449-2012)、《信息安全技术信息系统安全等级保护基本要求》(GB/T22239-2008)、 《信息系统安全等级保护评价要求》(GB/T 28448-2012)、《电力行业信息系统安全等级保护基本要求》等标准或规范,定期开展电力信息等级保护评价电力监控系统信息安全等级评价工作应与电力监控系统安全防护评价工作相关。港湾已同步。




第十三条 已经运行(运营)的二级及以上电力信息系统,应当在安全防护等级确定之日起30日内,运行和使用单位应当到公安机关所在地公安机关备案。市级设区备案。手续。


For a power group company belonging to a central enterprise, its power information system operating across provinces or across the country in a unified network shall be filed with the Ministry of Public Security by the power group company. Branch systems of information systems operating and applied across provinces or across the country in a unified network shall be filed with the local public security organs at or above the city level with districts.

Article 14 When going through the filing procedures for the security protection level of the power information system, the "Information System Security Level Protection Recording Form" supervised by the Ministry of Public Security shall be filled out, and the third-level and above information systems shall also provide the following materials:

(一)System topology and description;

(二)System security organization and management system;

(三)System safety protection facility design implementation plan or reconstruction implementation plan;

(四)The list of information security products used by the system and its certification and sales license;

(五)Technical inspection and evaluation report that conforms to the system security protection level after evaluation;

(六)Information system security protection level expert review opinion;

(七)The opinion of the National Energy Administration and its dispatched agencies on the approval of the security protection level of the information system.

During the filing process, the filing materials that do not meet the requirements of graded protection shall be corrected and then filed again in accordance with the review opinions of the public security organs.

Article 15 The National Energy Administration and its dispatched agencies shall inspect the information security level protection of the operation and user units of the third-level and above power information systems. According to the "Administrative Measures for Information Security Level Protection", the important third-level (production control) and fourth-level power information systems should be inspected at least once a year.

The main inspection items are:

(一)Whether the information system security requirements have changed, and whether the original protection level is accurate;

(二)The implementation of the safety management system and measures of the operation and user units;

(三)Inspection of information system security status by operating and user units and their competent departments;

(四)Whether the system security level assessment meets the requirements;

(五)Whether the use of information security products meets the requirements;

(六)Information system security rectification;

(七)The compliance of the filing materials with the operation, user units, and information systems;

(八)Other matters that should be subject to supervision and inspection.

Article 16 The power information system operators and users shall accept the safety supervision, inspection and guidance of the National Energy Administration and its designated specialized agencies, and truthfully provide the following information security protection to the National Energy Administration and its designated specialized agencies information and data files:

(一)Changes in information system filing items;

(二)Changes in security organization, personnel, and job responsibilities;

(三)Changes in information security management systems and measures;

(四)Information system health record;

(五)Operations, users and superior departments regularly check records of information system security status;

(六)Technical evaluation report on information system level evaluation;

(七)Changes in the use of information security products;

(八)Information security incident emergency plan, information security incident emergency response result report;

(九)Information system data disaster recovery status.

(十)Information system security construction, rectification result report.

Article 17 The power system operators and users shall make rectifications in accordance with the requirements of the information security level protection work inspection and rectification notice, and in accordance with the information security level protection management regulations and technical standards. When necessary, the National Energy Administration and its dispatched agencies may conduct spot checks on the rectification situation.

Article 18 The power information system shall choose to use information security products that have passed national testing and certification.

Article 19 The second-level and above power information systems shall select a level-protection evaluation agency that meets the following conditions for evaluation:

(一)Incorporated in the People's Republic of China (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan);

(二)Enterprises and institutions invested by Chinese citizens, Chinese legal persons or the state (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan);

(三)Have been engaged in power information system related testing and evaluation work for more than two years, no illegal record;

(四)The staff is limited to Chinese citizens;

(五)Legal person and main business and technical personnel have no criminal record;

(六)The technical equipment and facilities used shall meet the national requirements for information security products;

(七)Have complete security management systems such as confidentiality management, project management, quality management, personnel management and training and education;

(八)Does not pose a threat to national security, social order, or public interests;

(九)Technical personnel engaged in electric power information system evaluation shall pass the professional technical training and evaluation of electric power system organized by the National Energy Administration, and institutions conducting electric power information system evaluation shall file with the National Energy Administration and pass the electric power evaluation agency Technical Capability Assessment.

Article 20 Institutions engaged in the evaluation of the safety level of power information systems shall perform the following obligations:

(一)Comply with relevant national laws, regulations and technical standards, provide safe, objective and fair testing and evaluation services to ensure the quality and effect of evaluation;

(二)Keep the state secrets, business secrets and personal privacy known in the assessment activities to prevent assessment risks;

(三)Educate the assessors on safety and confidentiality, sign a safety and confidentiality responsibility letter with them, specify the safety and confidentiality obligations and legal responsibilities that should be performed, and be responsible for inspection and implementation.

Article 21 The electric power information system involving state secrets shall be protected in accordance with the management regulations and technical standards of the state secrecy work department on the hierarchical protection of classified information systems, and in light of the actual situation of the system. Non-confidential power information systems shall not handle state secret information.

Chapter Four: Password Management of Information Security Level Protection

Interpretation: Chapter 4 elaborates on the password management of hierarchical protection. If a system involving state secrets is to be protected by secrets, it shall be reported to the State Cryptography Administration for approval, and requirements for involvement, use and management shall be made.

Article 22 If the power information system operators and users use passwords for graded protection, they shall comply with the "Administrative Measures for Information Security Graded Protection Commercial Encryption", "Information Security Graded Protection Commercial Encryption Technical Requirements" and other password management regulations and technical standard.

Article 23 The configuration, use and management of passwords in the security level protection of power information systems shall strictly comply with the relevant regulations on the management of national passwords.

Article 24 If the power information system operators and users use passwords to protect information and information systems involving state secrets, they shall be reported to the State Encryption Administration for approval, and the design, implementation, use, operation and maintenance of passwords shall be Routine management, etc., shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards of the national password management; if passwords are used to protect information and information systems that do not involve state secrets, they must comply with the Regulations on the Management of Commercial Passwords and the relevant regulations and standards for classified and hierarchical protection of passwords , the equipment and use of its passwords shall be filed with the national encryption management agency.

Article 25 If the power information system operators and users use cryptographic technology to construct and rectify the system-level protection of power information systems, they must use cryptographic products approved for use or sale by the national cryptographic management department for security protection. Encryption products imported from abroad or developed without authorization shall not be used; imported information technology products containing encryption functions shall not be used without approval.

Article 26 The testing and evaluation of ciphers and cipher equipment used in the power information system shall be undertaken by an evaluation agency recognized by the State Cryptography Administration, and no other department, unit or individual shall conduct evaluation and monitoring of ciphers and cipher equipment.

鲍勃BOB体育Article 27 When the password management departments at all levels inspect and evaluate the configuration, use and management of passwords in the power information system level protection work, the relevant power enterprises shall actively cooperate. Questions reported in the inspection and evaluation shall be rectified in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national password management.